Why You Should Sell Your Independent Insurance Agency Now

You’ve worked hard and built your business (Independent Insurance Agency or Book) or are constantly in the process of building your business. The years go by and you start to wonder if you don’t have to work as hard or question whether you can slow down a little or you just don’t want to do the same thing anymore but you aren’t sure how to do this. There are many things that could affect your business goals. When you don’t have family in the business to take over when you start to think this way, you may need some direction.

There are four stages to an Independent Insurance Agency:

  1. Start Up
  2. Growth
  3. Maturity
  4. Exit

You don’t have to get to stage 4, the Exit stage, only when you reach a golden age as you can get there anytime you feel you’re ready for a change, young or old… but you do need more information about your options.

Your business has value and if you move in the right direction you can successfully reap the rewards of that value in cash just as you would if you sold your home real estate but it is done in a completely different manner, and everything is totally confidential so nobody knows you are selling until the deal is done.

If you have thoughts about moving in another direction and you might consider selling your Independent Agency or your Book of Business, then the time is now. There are always Insurance Brokers, Agents and Professionals who are searching for the right fit to buy as many are in the Growth stage (see Item #2 above) of their business. When things are good (or even when things are not so good), the insurance business steadily moves on with doing business and there are hundreds of thousands of Insurance Professionals in every state who are financially qualified to write a big check to acquire other independent insurance agencies in order to expand their businesses.

MKL Agency Broker is an intermediary that has a formal responsibility to act in the best interests of its clients. MKL is the premier broker of insurance agencies and books of business in the United States. We provide our selling clients with maximum exposure to prospective buyers while maintaining their complete confidentiality. From marketing your listing to negotiating your sale price to closing contracts, we are a full-service, one-stop-shop for insurance agency sales.